Take our comprehensive pathway to fulfil the training requirements for accreditation as a supervisor*. Our unique approach to training is integrative and personalised, designed to enable you to develop your own informed and authentic voice as a supervisor. Our training is in 2 parts, each of them 5-day courses followed by 10 hours of small group practice and a written and/or practical assessment, as required by your relevant association. If you are a practising supervisor seeking accreditation with your professional association or an experienced practitioner who wants to learn about supervision in an environment in which you can put your learning into practice, this course is for you.
Click below into each module of this Training to see its full description, dates for this year and to register. For an overview of the Training Pathway, click into the Summary of Components, Hours and Costs below.
Supervisor Training (3)
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the inter-relational aspects of supervision, the tasks and responsibilities of the role. The theoretical underpinning is existential-phenomenological and a variety of supervision models are explored.
The primary focus of the training is on individual supervision and the module also provides insights into group and team supervisory work. Various theories and philosophical views will be examined with a focus on experiential activities, group discussion, supervision practice and development of a personal model of supervision.
The module will encompass:
- Introduction to the Wheel of Supervision
- Models of Supervision
- Creating Safety
- What informs my supervisory practice?
- Who am I as a supervisor?
- Understanding the client
- Understanding the supervisee
- The responsible supervisor
See a full page description of this module here
Facilitators: Dr Alison Strasser & Dr Adam McLean
CPD hours: 36 (inc. prep)
COST: $1100
possible 2nd course to be run on Thursday and Friday mornings over 5 weeks in October –
dependent upon level of interest:
OCT: 2 & 3, 9 & 10, 16 & 17, 23 & 24, 30 & 31
Please register your interest in this course and we will contact you in late July/early August
Broaden your understanding of the supervisor role and its responsibilities, both in the interpersonal relationship and in the context of various settings, including educational, organisational and private practice. Explore issues such as dual roles, conflicts of interest and ethical considerations and develop an understanding of how to work with difference.
The module will encompass:
- Creating the supervision environment
- Working within the relational worlds
- Working with the educator role
- The Existential perspective
- Working with difference
- Supervisor’s responsibilities
- The passionate supervisor
Trainers: Dr Alison Strasser & Adam McLean
CPD hours: 36
COST: $1100
ONLINE via zoom
2025 dates – 10 half-days on Thur & Fri from 31 JULY to 5 SEP
AUG: 1 , 7 & 8, 21 & 22, 28 & 29
SEP: 4 & 5
Times: 9.00am to 12.30pm AEST (for all except 7 & 8 AUG). 7 & & 8 AUG: 1.30pm – 5pm AEST
Training Modules
Wheel of Supervision Part 1 – 36 hours (including prep)
Wheel of Supervision Part 2 – 36 hours (including prep)
Supervision Practice Groups
There are 2 practice groups (5 hours each) after each training module. They are designed to integrate the learning from the training into practice through actual supervision and through feedback on personal style and interventions. There are 4 practice groups in total, comprising 20 hours.
Supervision on Supervision (SOS) Groups (optional)
15 hours of SOS are necessary to meet the SOS requirements for PACFA and AAOS. So we offer those 15 hours of SOS in a group format to those who need them. You may also accrue these hours elsewhere. To attend these groups you will need to present current work with supervisees
Assessments – 2 Essays
At the end of each of the 2 modules and on completion of the supervision practice groups, you are required to complete an essay outlining your learning from the module.
Supervisory Practice for certificate
To obtain the certificate of completion, participants must have accrued 80 hours of practice as a supervisor
Summary of components:
- Wheel of Supervision Part 1 training module 36 hours (including prep)
- Wheel of Supervision Part 2 training module 36 hours (including prep)
- Supervision Practice Groups x 4 20 hours
- Supervision on Supervision Groups (SOS) x 3 15 hours (optional – offered if required)
- 2 Essays –
- Supervisory practice 80 hours
Costs $
Part 1 – Worldview of Supervision 1100
knowledge-building/theory 5 days
marking of assessment 1
Practice Groups 500
10 hours (2 x 5 hours@$250)
Part 2 – Practising the Diversity of Supervision 1100
knowledge-building/theory 5 days
marking of assessment 2
Practice Groups 500
10 hours (2 x 5 hours @ $250)
Supervision-on Supervision (optional, by request and where sufficient interest)
Per 2 hour session: $130
note: 15 hours of SOS are required by PACFA and AAOS
To see the complete Training Pathway document as a downloadable pdf click here
Completing the full Training Pathway entitles you to a listing in the Supervisor Directory on our website here
*The full training pathway also fulfils the training component of the Accredited Supervisor pathways of the organisations below:
- PACFA (Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia)
Summary of PACFA Accreditation pathways (PDF) - AAOS (Australasian Association of Supervision)
Summary of AAOS Membership requirements (PDF) - ACA (The Australian Counselling Association) Face-to-Face delivery only
Summary of ACA College of Supervisors Membership requirements (PDF)
*Please note: The online delivery of this course is endorsed by PACFA and AAOS. The online delivery is not endorsed by the ACA – ACA Members should speak with us when considering this course